Today on the show coming at you from Montreal we have on Enzo and Tebo from Tebovision. Musicians, podcasters, and a lot more from the north. We talk on coming back together with friends by dropping ego and issues from the past and bringing back a band from 30 years ago. Finding your own voice on all platforms and writing, not allowing age to determine how you are able to interact with technology and social, and raising a child with different abilities. Everything you can think of between being a musician, creative, and content creator.
In This Episode We Cover
Being friends over bandmates
Getting into social media at any age
Making YOUR content on platforms
Releasing your creative from 30 years ago
Getting back together as a band
Find your own bravery
Starting from scratch
Raising a child with different abilities
Benefits of having a child with different mental abilities
“ People striving for that feeling like it’s your first band is impossible to find. If you can find it with your friends great, but if you can’t its one some times you just get lucky.” - Paul Tebo
“ Be able to enjoy or be laid back about whether you are playing covers or originals, when bars are paying you money to play other peoples music it’s instantly gratifying. If that’s your thing awesome but I think it evolves.” - Paul Tebo
“It’s better to rule in hell than to serve in Heaven” - Enzo
Tebovision Links
Resources Noted In This Podcast Episode
Gary Vee
The Tibetan Book of The Dead
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